13 december 2012

Mikey and gerard way in smodcast december 2012

mikey och gerard way från mcr har gjort två nya intervjuer med kevin smith från SModcast. från den 4 december och 11 december 2012.
enligt mig är de bland dem två bästa intervjuer jag har hört, även fast det inte är alla i mcr. ricktigt bra intervjuer som är 2 timmar vardera. så skönt att höra från dem igen och höra dem prata om gamla tider och nya projeckt. flera saker man inte fått höra om förut eller bara hört grunden från. underbara intervjuer som du kan lyssna på HÄR och andra HÄR

xoxo N

conventional weapons nr 2

23 november kom andra conventional weapons som heter "ambulance" och "gun."

Nästa singel kommer 18 december då the world is ugly och the light behind the eyes är med!
xoxo N

26 oktober 2012

conventional weapons. nr 1

nu har äntligen dem första två låtarna släppts ut från conventional weapons. boy division & tommorows money. och dem som har bestellt vinylen får snart hem den i brevlådan!
enligt mig är dem obeskrivligt bra, det är så skönt att få höra något nytt med mcr.

                                                   BOY DIVISION

                                                        TOMOROW'S MONEY

26 september 2012

this song is a curse

gittaristen i mcr, Frank Iero har skrivit en låt till Tim Burtons nya film Frankenweenie. som heter "this song is a curse", som kommer vara med på albumet "Frankenweenie Unleashed"
i låten sjunger han, och spelar giutarr, och låten är sjukt bra!


18 september 2012


nya loggan
hej allihoppa, förlåt för min extremt långa paus från denna blogg, men det betyder inte att jag inte gillar mcr längre, utan att jag inte haft tid och mcr har haft en paus. MEN nu är dem tillbaks och jag med! det var ett tags sen man hörde något från MCR, men för några dagar sedan skickade frank en blogg på deras sida , som för övrigt hadde ändrat utseende för någon vecka sedan och med en ny logga! detta var vad frank skrev på sin blogg:
Dear friends,
Please allow me to take a trip down memory avenue for just a minute.... in the year 2008 it was the best of times, it was the worst of times...after years of constant work and travel, The Black Parade had come and gone, and as a band My Chemical Romance had achieved almost every goal we had set for it. Records were sold, doors were kicked in, enemies made and vanquished...I really felt we had made a difference. If there was ever a time to run the credits, call it a day and go out on top ...this was it. But here we were, still relatively young and a wide open future seemed to be a blessing and a curse when wondering 'what the hell comes next?' A large percentage of my being was convinced the band was over at that point, and so, as it does, depression crept it's way in.

I have grown up and spent most of my early adulthood being in this band, the thought of that chapter closing was a harsh pill to swallow. But that November I got a call from Gerard that snapped me out of it. We talked for awhile about the band, about why we loved and hated it. We left the conversation with promises to to communicate and plans for a new record in place. In the coming months we forged ahead. Ideas started to take shape....there were conversations about what the songs should sound like, the trading of mix tapes for inspiration, and finally flights were booked to our adopted home of Los Angeles for pre-production.
Looking back to that first phone call, what I think we meant to say to one another was "I miss you. I like making music with you, and in spite of all the other shit that comes with it, good and bad, I still wanna do that." When you're in a band for as long as we have been and you've reached a certain 'level'...sometimes all you know how to do is make records. You tend to forget how to do the simple stuff. Like just connect with your friends and make music. No rules, no expectations. Hindsight being 20/20, maybe we should have just locked ourselves in a room and made a bunch of noise until we were inspired to collectively say something on a record. That's not what ended up happening. Instead we planned on making a specific kind of record, we wrote songs to fit that specific plan, and then we flogged ourselves for it not feeling right, organic, or complete.
After almost a year of beating ourselves up, we ended up shelving those ill-fated songs, and reconnected with Rob Cavallo and Doug McKean to salvage our band and make what would become Danger Days.
To kill the misconception, I don't think the songs we wrote before Danger Days are bad songs by any means. In fact, I kinda think some of them are among my favorites we have ever written. A lot of them are kinda fucking rad....they just so happened to have been created in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and we as their parents were not ready to raise them just yet...and so they sat and waited.
They hung out on my iPod and every few months I would visit them and think '...damn.' At first they gave me mixed feelings...I liked the songs but I couldn't help associating them with the hard times from which they were created. It made me a bit uneasy. But as time passed I began to enjoy them more and more, and was able to look upon the past a bit more fondly. They were my secret playlist, only for me. Like some unknown band that I discovered and loved, and that few others in the world had ever heard.
The more time went by, the more I toyed with the fantasy of releasing those songs. What would people think? Would they like them as much as I do now? Or was our first instinct of locking them away, never to be heard from again, the right move?
Recently we had a band meeting, we ended up talking about the past, and together we listened to those songs we created almost 4 years ago. We discussed the the way those songs made us feel, how they led us to where we are now and what the fate of those songs should be. How can we fully move on if we continue to hide the past? Together we decided that this chapter in My Chemical Romance's history no longer needed to be locked away.
So beginning in October we will be releasing 2 songs a month for 5 months. 10 songs in total from the Conventional Weapons sessions we did back in 2009. We hope you enjoy these time capsules, and that they may shed a little more light on how and where Danger Days came from, and maybe even where the future of MCR might be heading. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...and now it is finally time to lift the veil on Conventional Weapons.
Play them loud and without judgement. Keep the Faith-xofrnk
**Check back next week for the track listing, release schedule and pre-order details.**"

SÅ den 30 oktober kommer dem första två låtarna från conventional weapons! och sedan 2 ny låtar varge månad tillochmed februari 2013. dem här låtarna har varit väldigt förfrågade från fansen, efter som man fått höra några av låtarna live 2008 eller 2009, fast inte någon studio version. låtarna blev väldigt omtyckta, och många blev väldigt lädsna att dem inte släppte ut några låtar på cd, utan tog bort dem och gjorde danger days istelllet.  men nu kommer vi äntligen få höra dem! detta är vad låtarna kommer heta, och när dem kommer ut
Title: Number One
A-side: Boy Division
B-side: Tomorrow's Money
Release date: October 30, 2012

conventional weapons vinyl box
Title: Number Two
B-side: Gun.
Release date: Black Friday, November 23, 2012
Title: Number Three
A-side: The World Is Ugly
B-side: The Light Behind Your Eyes
Release date: Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Title: Number Four
A-side: Kiss The Ring
B-side: Make Room!!!!
Release date: Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Title: Number Five
A-side: Surrender The Night
B-side: Burn Bright
Release date: Tuesday, February 5, 2013

man kommer kunna köpa alla vinyler på mcr.com, eller så kan man köpa  boxen, som har alla vinyler, pluss en exlusiv poster, och ett ställ. som man nu kan preorder. så gör det, det har jag gjort yay!
men detta betyder inte att man inte kommer få något mer album av mcr, för dem håller på att spela in ett album som dem har hållt på med under deras paus, som gerard nu kallar MCR5.
här är den senaste interviun med gerard way som alla måste se.. en väldigt bra och söt interviu,där han berettar om deras kommande ny album.

är så lycklig över att dem är tilbaks!

xo n